Titles – at 0:49

Segment Sting

Creative: Motion Graphics. Edit. Direction. Branding.
HomePortfolioBrand IdentityThe Zeze Millz Show
Titles – at 0:49
Segment Sting
"The Popular Culture Pundit -Saying All The Things You're Thinking - But Too Afraid To Say..."
Sharp talking no-nonsense popular culture pundit Zalika 'Zeze' Millz began her hilarious and opinionated videos on Instagram - before production company Project Gorilla / The Umbrella picked it up to form a weekly series on YouTube.
They wanted a smooth, sharp yet instantly recognisable identity to lift the show from simple selfie-recording to a slick Wendy Williams Show-esque production - and so a logo and identity was created. The sliced shards of the title sequence represent her different personalities for the strands of the show - from pop culture to a gossip section called #HeadScarfDiaries. An animated bug, titles, credits and general graphics creative direction was commissioned.